Our Action
Our association, based on an annual program and upon request, visits the following organizations-institutions:

ELEPAP is the first charitable, non-profit association in Greece that provides rehabilitation services to children since 1937. Today it has 6 branches throughout the country. ELEPAP provides for the functional rehabilitation of children with motor disabilities and developmental difficulties, indicatively: Cerebral palsy, Neuromuscular diseases, Syndromes with accompanying motor problems, Encephalopathies, Craniocerebral injuries, Spinal cord injuries, Myelomeningocele, Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Valiosplatypodia while taking care of the framing their families. Accepts children from zero to 45 years old. Our team visits the vocational training department for disabled youth (TEKAN)..

Since 2017, our team has been cooperating with the outpatient psychiatric department of the 424 Military Hospital of Thessaloniki



Greek non-profit organization providing dignity, humanity & community to refugees in Thessaloniki, Greece

MY WAY English Center for Special Education
The only center in Thessaloniki for learning English to students with dyslexia and other special learning differences.

THE THERAPY AND REHABILITATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES OF THESSALONIKI (K.A.A.P.A.T.H.) is a Social Care Unit (MCF) for people with disabilities, N.P.D.D. supervised by the General Directorate of Welfare, of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. The Unit resulted from the merger of two (2) Social Care Units, KE.PE.P. "AGIOS DIMITRIOS" and the Institute for Development Rehabilitation (P.P.K.BE.) after the passing of Law 4025/2-11-2011 (Government Gazette 228/A/2-11-2011) on "Reconstruction of the National Social Solidarity System and other provisions". The Unit treats people with mental retardation or Mental Retardation and other disabilities either as Internal priority from the Region of Central Macedonia or as External from the Municipalities of the Urban Planning Complex of Thessaloniki.

1st E.E.E.E.K OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF PYLIAS – HORTIATI (Laboratory of Special Vocational Education & Training)
The operation of the Special Vocational Education and Training Workshops (SEVET) is based on the legal framework that governs Special Education and Training and rich material (research, articles, etc.) that refers to the socially vulnerable group of PWDs.

The Psychiatric Reform program called "PSYCHARGOS" is a national plan to change the way mental health services are provided, shifting the center of gravity from the provision of asylum-type care, which is followed today, to community care. The PSYCHARGOS program concerns the development of structures and actions throughout the country, which ensure the provision of mental health services, aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care, psychosocial rehabilitation, social reintegration as well as awareness of the general population on mental health issues. The aim is to create effective networks of community structures and mental health services, so that every person with mental health problems can find answers to their problems where they live and work, within the community, with the least possible effects of stigmatization, marginalization and exclusion.

The A.ME.A Friends Association – Action for Something Else is non-profit, founded on 04-09-10. Its founding members are graduates of university departments related to the field of special education and have been dealing with disability for years (employees in institutions and schools, camp attendants, volunteers in organizations) The main objective of its action is to combat social exclusion, of inequality - discrimination in persons with disabilities and the information of both the persons themselves and the society. In order to serve this goal, specific areas were leased and configured, where its structures are housed. For the last 4 years, the union has been active in providing education-employment and entertainment to A.ME.A. through the Center for Creative Employment (KDAP) and the special Hostel he has established. This action gives the opportunity to young people to get out of their home or accommodation and to participate creatively in tasks commensurate with their mental level and their physical disability. While at the same time they are given the opportunity to have fun and interact with each other, but also with the volunteers of the program, like a big group.

The program aims to raise awareness among citizens to take initiatives in the philosophy of coexistence and bridging the gap in the "Us & Them" pattern. The fight against prejudices that highlight the problematic human existence in the social environment. Also, the active participation of people with disabilities and the restoration of their rights. 50 people between the ages of 14 and 50 participate.

AMYMONI - ASSOCIATION OF THESSALONIKI" is an Association of Parents, Guardians & Friends of People with Vision Problems & Additional Disabilities and has as its goal the operation of a Day Care Center, absolutely specialized for people with vision problems and additional disabilities.
Other Actions
As part of our action, we promote and promote the value and benefits of the "human-animal" bond as well as the provision of safe and effective therapeutic contact with animals, through informative and educational programs and events.

Presentation of animal-assisted therapy at the GESTALT summer camp

May 26, 2022 Panhellenic Congress of Psychiatry
Presentation of the results of our sessions at the 424 Military Hospital and the Public Psychiatry of Thessaloniki.

December 15, 2019 Hippocrates Hospital of Thessaloniki
Our participation in the "1st Nursing Conference" on the topic: Therapeutic interventions with the help of animals"

October 15, 2019 Thessaloniki Psychiatric Hospital
"The therapeutic effect of animals in the field of Mental Health". Presentation of the Therapy programs with the help of animals from our association

November 24, 2018 Veterinary School of Thessaloniki (AUTH)
Participation of your association in the "People and Animals-unexpected benefits" conference

October 24, 2018 University of Macedonia (Department of Special Education)
Update for final students of our program

January 24, 2018 424 Thessaloniki Military Hospital
Update of our program to the psychiatrists of the 424 Military Hospital of Thessaloniki

June 22, 2017 "Presentation of health programs of special schools"
Presentation of our program to representatives of the Ministry of Education and directors of special schools.

June 19, 2017 "Adopt a Pet"
Participation of our team in the event of the Municipality of Thessaloniki for the adoption of stray animals.

06 May 2017 "1st Two-Day Festival of Creative Employment Centers for People with Disabilities"
Participation of our union to update our program in KDAP-MEA of Central Macedonia.

March 31, 2017 "Discussion-update on animal-assisted therapy and its benefits"
Organization of an event by "Oraion Depo" to inform the guests about our team's schedule.

March 20, 2017 "Public IEK Pylias - Department of Occupational Therapy"
Upon invitation, our program was presented to the students of IEK.

May 29, 2016 "Adoption Event- ZOO 90.8"
Voluntary participation of the team, to support the adoption day and inform about our programs.

May 21, 2016 "Thessaloniki Fashion Project"
Participation of our team in the Thessaloniki Fashion Project at Warehouse 3 (Port of Thessaloniki) to inform the public about our actions.

29 May-05 June 2015 "IAHAIO-International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organization" Denmark
The first Greek participation in the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations.

May 14, 2015 "4th Feast Thessaloniki"
Thessaloniki was the first city, in which the FEAST social experiment was implemented, launching a pilot period for the action. The experiment developed great momentum in its first two applications, where 25 proposals were submitted, 10 projects were presented and two actions were financed with more than 2,000 euros. Now, FEAST's goal is to establish micro-financing from the crowd, for the implementation of creative ideas, on a nationwide scale. The social funding was won by the Therapy Dogs volunteer team.

May 9, 2015 "4th Animal Square"
The 4dogs team, in collaboration with therapydogs Thessaloniki, participated in the "4th Animal Square" event at the Kalamaria Town Hall, both to support the action of the animal welfare association "Together we can" and to inform the people who attended about the volunteering and therapy dogs.

June 14, 2014 "Let them St(r)ay-Republic 100.3"
4dogs and therapydogs Thessaloniki were there to support the action of adopting stray animals and to inform about their programs and voluntary actions. With the motto Let them St(r)ay*, Republic 100.3 organized this year the second outdoor action to adopt strays in Thessaloniki with the support of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. Sound Park at Nea Paralia Thessaloniki from 12:00.

February 19, 2013 "Visit to a dog training facility"
Visit of the participants of the SFA and the children of the Children's Village of Filyros, in the TherapyDogs programs, in the former dog training area of 4dogs.gr, where they had the opportunity to have fun and learn more about dogs.