A few words about animal-assisted therapy

The human-animal relationship is undeniably very strong. More and more people are realizing that animals have a positive effect on our lives. After all, dogs have proven their value as guards, hunters, work assistants,
rescuers, companions and as healers.
For several years now the medical community has recognized what animal guardians have always known.
Pets are good for health.
Our Action

At our group meetings you will encounter large amounts of the following: Paws, caresses and laughter.
In September 2012, our action was started by Terpsi Paschali and Maria Stogianni (positive dog trainer). We are a team of qualified volunteers and trained dogs, whose goal is to bring therapeutic contact with dogs to those who need it a little more.
For this reason, at regular intervals, we visit associations and special schools in Thessaloniki, where children or adults with disabilities are invited to work – to whatever extent everyone can and wishes – with the dogs of our program.
The action of the association is voluntary and includes the free offer of services to (public and private) institutions, organizations, schools, etc. Financial benefits to the association are exclusively for covering expenses that are directly related to its voluntary employment (moving, grooming therapy dogs, session equipment, etc.), based on law 4873/21 no. 13
Meet our Team

TherapyDogs (Animal Assisted Therapy) is a new, voluntary pioneering program for the Thessaloniki data started by Terpsi Paschali
and Maria Stogianni (positive dog trainer) in September 2012. Our love for dogs and our willingness to give to both animals and people was the springboard for organizing a group that could volunteer its services .
The first to believe in our vision were the volunteers of the Association of Friends of the Disabled – Action for Something Else, who gave us the opportunity to start our action, joining us in one of their programs. Then, in October 2013, we took the next step and established ourselves as a committee of the Friends of the Disabled.
The Training
“It is the first and only Greek on-line seminar, which offers participants the opportunity to fully understand the structure and function of Animal Assisted Therapy. There are many professionals and many programs that could benefit from TMBZ.”

The volunteer group of TherapyDogs, since the beginning of its activity, is based on love and the willingness to give back to the society as a whole. In our effort to consolidate the therapeutic contact with animals, our volunteers are valuable helpers, who with their own contribution contribute substantially to our work.
Our volunteers are employed in all our actions and cover the basic needs of the operation of our programs. Depending on the obligations arising in each case, our volunteers are activated, of course always according to their availability and desire.
Become a member

Our Members are the driving force behind Therapydogs.
In addition to the moral satisfaction of contributing to our action, they have the following privileges.